How it's happening. Why it matters
One working mom loses her job when she can’t overcome the
hurdle of a $600 repair for her run down car. This is Central Appalachia – without
a decent set of wheels, it’s tough to keep a job. Another mom turns to an
innovative hardship loan program operated by her rural Kentucky employer,
Appalachian Community Federal Credit Union (ACFCU) and a non-profit partner. She
keeps her job, builds her credit score and accesses expert financial
coaching that will help her money move mountains, even at her modest income.
One family of modest income goes to a paid tax preparer and
pays $400 so they can get part of their $6,000 refund (minus the fee) the next
day. By late spring they are strapped, with little to show for their windfall.
Another family gets its taxes prepared for free thanks to an innovative partnership between Tusculum College and ACFCU, but they leverage their
advantage far further than $400. They utilize the credit union’s financial
coaching to develop a budget. They pay down debt and exchange predatory debt for fair, affordable debt, saving significantly on interest. The credit union introduces them to its
grant-funded, $10,500 down payment assistance program, and to a partner in the
affordable housing space. The next year at tax time, they are homeowners. In
one year, their money has moved mountains. Thanks to partnerships and hard work by the people those partnerships serve, ACFCU repeatedly finds itself at the center of life-changing progress for families.
This is not a personal finance blog, though personal finance
and occasional tips will come into it. It isn’t an advocacy blog that will be
filled with strident calls for regulatory or political change. Nonetheless, commentary
may appear about the political, cultural and financial industry dynamics that
daily and deeply affect the financial lives of Central Appalachians –
particularly those who are low and moderate-income or underserved.

Foundationally, this blog is about people – the good,hardworking people of a region that’s often stereotyped and misunderstood – and
the financial challenges they face as they strive for a decent life. It’s also
about partnerships, with people, organizations and businesses, that counter a prevailing approach to
finance gripping our country today, one that leaves many families vulnerable to predatory lending (see photo at right, which contains a personal offer to me -- 36 percent interest). That approach may be legal and make sense
from the perspective of risk-based pricing and profit margins. It may be
perfectly viable for a segment of our society, and it may be justifiable to shrug
one’s shoulders and murmur “c’est la vie” upon hearing that someone hasn’t
managed to use that approach to his or her benefit.
The letter of the law and the prevailing approach to
financial services leave wide swathes of people underserved, underinformed or
at high risk of crippling financial difficulty. Blamecasting, whether against
the consumers “who should know better” or the institutions, laws and
regulations “who should act better” doesn’t change anything. So, ACFCU is on a
journey as a mission-driven, socially responsible financial cooperative. That
mission is to use community and economic development to improve the financial
health of people and businesses who lack adequate access to capital, high
quality financial services and financial coaching in Southeast Kentucky,
Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. The credit union’s designation as a
“Community Development Financial Institution” (CDFI) has opened doors to funding
opportunities, partnerships and other resources that help ACFCU pursue such a
daunting, expensive mission.
Along with a small number of other CDFI credit unions
pursuing this mission, ACFCU must balance its financial safety and soundness
with the mission at hand. The national credit union motto of “Not for profit,
not for charity, but for service” rings true here. Through ACFCU’s purpose
statement of “Building Financial Relationships One Member at a Time” (and
through service to non-members) the credit union’s staff and partners are
striving to “teach people to fish” as opposed to simply giving them fish.
Mmmmmm… fish.
I am very privileged in my communications role at ACFCU to gather and share the underlying stories that the
credit union is part of thanks to its work and that of its partners. My work in
that realm, as a financial coach and in community relations, also exposes me to
the issues and concrete challenges facing us, our partners and, most
importantly, the people we serve. The links throughout this post lead to a few
of those stories. Member impact stories will remain an important part of this
blog. Along with broader observations and important facts about maneuvering our
financial system so that your money can move mountains, I look forward to
sharing them with you.
Glad to see ACFCU sharing its story.